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Common Causes Of Furnace Repairs

As a furnace owner, you know that these systems are not impervious to breakdowns. In fact, there are more reported furnace breakdowns than heat pumps. This could be due to the fact that more people own furnaces. Furnaces just seem to be a more popular form of heating. And, this is probably because heat pumps become ineffective when the temperatures get so low outside. That aside, it doesn’t matter what time of system you have, there will come a time when repairs are needed. Repairs can put a major dent in the wallet. No one wants to be left without heat on a cool night and this is why it pays to know and understand some of the most common issues with these types of heating units.

Dirty Air Filters

If you are a homeowner it is highly likely that you are familiar with air filters. You’ve likely already changed a few in your time. If you haven’t something is majorly wrong, as they are a pivotal part of your heating system. These devices are usually installed in the return right new the furnace or air handler. The job of this device is to protect the system from any dirt and debris that might be blown in from the ducts. Dirt and debris are common in the ductwork. Even if the system is properly sealed, it will develop dirt and debris over the years. A filter can quickly get dirty and needs changing at least once every three months. There are some filters that need changing every month. It depends on the MERV rating of the filter. Filters with higher MERV ratings won’t need changing as often. There are some high-efficiency filters available today that don’t need changing but once every six months or yearly. If the filter is not properly cleaned, it can lead to major issues down the road. It’ll cause your unit to run at much higher than normal pressures, which could lead to motor or compressor breakdowns. The easiest and simplest way to keep your unit running efficiently and effectively is by changing the filter. To make things even more complicated, there are some system contains more than one filter. Make sure you know your system in and out, the number of filters it contains, how to change them, and what size they are. This will save you a lot of trouble and hassle in the future.

Faulty Thermocouples

Thermocouples are an essential component in older furnaces. If you are dealing with a 10-year or older furnace, it’s likely you’ve heard your local HVAC tech use this term before. It’s probably likely that he’s changed yours once or twice. That being said, the thermocouple is pretty much the heat sensor that is responsible for keeping your pilot light burning. It will contain a long metal wire on one end while the other end is connected to the gas valve. When the pilot light is lit, the thermocouple will produce an electrical current that opens the gas valve. When the pilot light goes out, so does the electrical current to the gas valve, causing it to shut off. As you can imagine, this is done with safety in mind. In the event that the thermocouple malfunctions or there is something going on with the pilot light, there will be no current production and thus no gas flow. All this being said, there really isn’t any way to determine if your thermocouple is going to go bad or not. The best thing to do is to just have your friendly, local HVAC change the device when the pilot light won’t lit. This is a fairly inexpensive repair and will only likely take a few minutes Whether you have questions about thermocouples or want to get your changed, you’ll have access to tons of HVAC techs capable of the task in San Diego. All you have to do is reach out to one. Just make sure you take the time to research the companies and find the one that’s willing to go the extra mile for you, your family, and your home. Why Hire Us!

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